Great reasons to consider Coffee News®…
EXCLUSIVITY: Coffee News® guarantees exclusivity by business category for all our advertisers. When you advertise in Coffee News® you lock out your competition!
REPETITION: Ads run for at least 26 consecutive weeks… at a rate lower than spot advertising with other print media. Even small businesses can afford to advertise regularly. Reach, repetition and frequency bring results!
TARGET MARKET: If you want to target your local neighborhood market (as well as the tourists who visit), there’s no better way. It’s all about precision.
SIZE: Yes, it does matter. All our ads are 3″ x 2″ in size.
AD PLACEMENT: Ads are also rotated weekly to make sure all advertisers get a fair shake at equal exposure.
EDITS: Changes to your ad to meet your marketing needs can be made easily, with just a phone call or an email.
MARKETING CAMPAIGNS: Coffee News® can be the perfect addition to your advertising media mix.
THE POSITIVE VIBE: When potential Coffee News® customers see your ad, they are already is a positive frame of mind… reading the good news.
EXPOSURE: Your ad in Coffee News® will be viewed by 1,000’s of targeted readers every week. It is equivalent to passing out 1,000’s of your business cards weekly, building top of mind awareness. Best of all, you can advertise for about $0.004 per week.
SOCIAL MEDIA EXPOSURE: We run your ads on our local website as well as sharing your ad with our Facebook followers.
FRONT/BACK PAGE DISPLAY: Unlike many multi-paged publications, Coffee News® is a single page with ads running on the front or back page. Your ad will always be on the Front Page or Back Page and never buried somewhere on an inside page, which greatly increases the probability of your ad being seen.
OUR GUARANTEE: Your ad runs correctly… or your ad runs free!